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 * Addresses contains addresses of all contracts of a KyberNetwork reserve.
export default class Addresses {
  get sanityRates () {
    return this._sanityRates

  set sanityRates (value) {
    this._sanityRates = value

  get conversionRates () {
    return this._conversionRates

  set conversionRates (value) {
    this._conversionRates = value

  get reserve () {
    return this._reserve

  set reserve (value) {
    this._reserve = value

   * Create a addresses instance.
   * @param {string} reserve - Address of reserve smart contract.
   * @param {string} conversionRates - Address of pricing smart contract.
   * @param {string} sanityRates - Address of pricing smart contract.
  constructor (reserve, conversionRates, sanityRates) {
    this._reserve = reserve
    this._conversionRates = conversionRates
    this._sanityRates = sanityRates