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import Web3 from 'web3'

import reserveContractABI from '../abi/KyberReserveContract.abi.json'
import BaseContract from './base_contract.js'
import { validateAddress } from './validate.js'
import { assertAdmin, assertAlerter, assertOperator } from './permission_assert.js'

 * ReserveContract contains extended methods for KyberReserveContract
export default class ReserveContract extends BaseContract {
   * Create new BaseContract instance.
   * @param {object} provider - Web3 provider
   * @param {string} address - address of kyber reserve smart contract.
  constructor (web3, address) {
    super(web3, address)
    this.web3 = web3
    this.contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(reserveContractABI, address)
   * enableTrade allow the reserve to continue trading
   * @param {object} adminAddress - address of Admin account
   * @param {number} gasPrice (optional) - the gasPrice desired for the tx
   * @return {object} - the tx object of send() command from this contract method
  async enableTrade (adminAddress, gasPrice) {
    await assertAdmin(this, adminAddress)
    const med = this.contract.methods.enableTrade()
    return this.contract.methods.enableTrade().send({
      from: adminAddress,
      gas: await med.estimateGas({
        from: adminAddress
      gasPrice: gasPrice

   * disableTrade stop the reserve from trading
   * @param {object} alerterAddress - address of Alerter account
   * @param {number} gasPrice (optional) - the gasPrice desired for the tx
   * @return {object} - the tx object of send() command from this contract method
  async disableTrade (alerterAddress, gasPrice) {
    await assertAlerter(this, alerterAddress)
    const med = this.contract.methods.disableTrade()
    return med.send({
      from: alerterAddress,
      gas: await med.estimateGas({
        from: alerterAddress
      gasPrice: gasPrice

   * tradeEnabled return true if the reserve is tradeEnabled, false otherwise
   * @return {boolean} - tradeEnabled status of the reserve
  tradeEnabled () {
    return this.contract.methods.tradeEnabled().call()

   * set Contract addresses for reserve contract.
   * @param {object} adminAddress - address of admin account.
   * @param {string} network - address of kyber network smart contract.
   * @param {string} conversion - address of kyber network smart contract.
   * @param {string} sanity (optional) - address of sanity rates contract.
   * @param {number} [gasPrice=undefined] - the gasPrice desired for the tx
   * @returns {object} - the tx object of send() command from this contract method
  async setContracts (
    gasPrice = undefined
  ) {
    await assertAdmin(this, adminAddress)
    if (sanity !== undefined) {
    } else {
      sanity = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

    const med = this.contract.methods.setContracts(network, conversion, sanity)
    return med.send({
      from: adminAddress,
      gas: await med.estimateGas({
        from: adminAddress
      gasPrice: gasPrice

   * conversionRatesContract return the address of conversion rates of this reserve
   * @return {string} - address of conversion rates contract
  conversionRatesContract () {
    return this.contract.methods.conversionRatesContract().call()

   * sanityRatesContract return the address of sanity rates of this reserve
   * @return {string} - address of sanity rates contract
  sanityRatesContract () {
    return this.contract.methods.sanityRatesContract().call()

   * kyberNetwork return the address of kyberNetwork contract of this reserve
   * @return {string} - address of kyberNetwork contract
  kyberNetwork () {
    return this.contract.methods.kyberNetwork().call()

   * approve withdraw address for a token on reserve.
   * @param {object} adminAddress - address of admin account.
   * @param {string} tokenAddress - contract address of the modifying token.
   * @param {string} withdrawAddress - address for withdrawal.
   * @param {number} [gasPrice=undefined] - the gasPrice desired for the tx
   * @returns {object} - the tx object of send() command from this contract method
  async approveWithdrawAddress (
    gasPrice = undefined
  ) {
    await assertAdmin(this, adminAddress)
    const med = this.contract.methods.approveWithdrawAddress(
    return med.send({
      from: adminAddress,
      gas: await med.estimateGas({
        from: adminAddress
      gasPrice: gasPrice

   * disapprove withdraw address for a token on reserve.
   * @param {object} adminAddress - address of admin account.
   * @param {string} tokenAddress - contract address of the modifying token.
   * @param {string} withdrawAddress - address for withdrawal.
   * @param {number} [gasPrice=undefined] - the gasPrice desired for the tx
   * @returns {object} - the tx object of send() command from this contract method
  async disapproveWithdrawAddress (
    gasPrice = undefined
  ) {
    await assertAdmin(this, adminAddress)
    const med = this.contract.methods.approveWithdrawAddress(
    return med.send({
      from: adminAddress,
      gas: await med.estimateGas({
        from: adminAddress
      gasPrice: gasPrice

   * check for approval status of a token address to a particular address
   * @param {object} address - address to withdraw the token to
   * @param {string} tokenAddress - address of the token's smart contract. Must be deployed already.
   * @returns {boolean} - true for approved, false otherwise
  approvedWithdrawAddresses (address, tokenAddress) {
    const addressHash = Web3.utils.soliditySha3(tokenAddress, address)
    return this.contract.methods.approvedWithdrawAddresses(addressHash).call()

   * withdraw an amount of token to specified account
   * @param {object} operatorAddress - address of operator account.
   * @param {string} tokenAddress - address of the token's smart contract. Must be deployed already.
   * @param {object} amount - amount to withdraw (BN|String|int), must be in wei.
   * @param {string} toAddress - address for withdrawal. Must be approved already.
   * @param {number} [gasPrice=undefined] - the gasPrice desired for the tx
   * @returns {object} - the tx object of send() command from this contract method
  async withdraw (
    gasPrice = undefined
  ) {
    await assertOperator(this, operatorAddress)
    const med = this.contract.methods.withdraw(tokenAddress, amount, toAddress)
    return med.send({
      from: operatorAddress,
      gas: await med.estimateGas({
        from: operatorAddress
      gasPrice: gasPrice

   * Return balance of given token.
   * @param {string} token - address of token to check balance.
   * @return {number} - balance of given token
  getBalance (token) {
    return this.contract.methods.getBalance(token).call()
   * set different token wallet per token.
   * @param {object} adminAddress - address of admin account.
   * @param {string} tokenAddress - address of the token's smart contract.
   * @param {object} walletAddress - address of wallet in which tokens are present.
  async setTokenWallet(adminAddress, tokenAddress, walletAddress, gasPrice = undefined) {
    await assertAdmin(this, adminAddress);

    const setWallet = this.contract.methods.setTokenWallet(tokenAddress, walletAddress)
    return setWallet.send({
      from: adminAddress,
      gas: await setWallet.estimateGas({from: adminAddress}),
      gasPrice: gasPrice