summary | ||
public |
Addresses contains addresses of all contracts of a KyberNetwork reserve. |
public |
BaseContract contains common methods for all contracts of a KyberNetwork reserve. |
public |
CompactData is used to save gas on get, set rates operations. |
public |
CompactDataLocation is the location of compact data of a token in ConversionRates contract. |
public |
ConversionRatesContract represents the KyberNetwork conversion rates smart contract. |
public |
RateSetting represents the buy sell rates of a ERC20 token. |
public |
public |
TokenControlInfo is the configurations of a ERC20 token. |
public |
C Deployer Deployer is used for deploying new KyberNetwork reserve contracts. |
public |
public |
C Reserve Reserve is the wrapper to call all methods related to managing a reserve. |
public |
ReserveContract contains extended methods for KyberReserveContract |
public |
SanityRatesContract represents the KyberNetwork sanity rates smart contract. |
public |
F buildCompactBulk(newBuys: *, newSells: *, indices: *): {buyResults: Array, sellResults: Array, indexResults: Array} Build the compact data input. |
public |
F async assertAdmin(contract: *, address: *) |
public |
F async assertAlerter(contract: *, address: *) |
public |
F async assertOperator(contract: *, address: *) |
public |
F validateAddress(address: *) throw an exception if the given address is not a valid Ethereum address. |
public |
KyberNetworkAddress is the smart contract address of KyberNetwork. |